Friday, December 24, 2010

Totally Baked.

Watch out. All I can say is that there are small pieces of flour, pie dough, chocolate chunks everywhere in this kitchen. I even found pieces of whipped butter from the stand mixer in my hair a few nights ago. (Considered eating it).
You guessed it - i'm baking for my in-law's christmas celebrations and this is a huge event (well, that's because I make it one). A normal person would bake a cake, or bring a pie and maybe bring some regifted chocolates to act in a supporting role on the table. Not I. Back in October, I start making my short list of recipes - I scour the internet, blogs, newspaper clippings (my mom famous for ripping all the recipes out of the toronto star anywhere she saw them - restaurants, hairdressers - watch out for her), cookbooks (old school) and pick out my top 15 - 20 recipes that i'd be interested in whipping up. Some old favourites mixed in with new experiments is how I roll. The first year I offered to make dessert, I  basically took a month off work to make about 5 desserts. Never again I tell you. 3 is where I draw the line - well, plus a cookie plate for decoration.
This year I have decided on three delicious choices - some risky decisions in here but I am confident everyone will find something, well, scrumptious. Here goes: for the chocolate lover - a gingerbread cheesecake with a chocolate ganache topping. For the fruit seeker - a from scratch, oh brother, homestyle apple pie, and, for the person who just wants the best experience ever on a fork, my bestest sticky toffee pudding. It's sensational.
My cookie selection includes two kinds of biscotti (a secret family recipe), soft and chewy ginger molasses cookies and two new additions this year, peppermint sandwich cookies (which, I need to go pipe now) and a delicious new ultrathin chocolate chip cookie with walnuts in it.
 My mixer is running, my oven is blasting, the cream cheese is coming to room temperature - that's my cue. See you after the holidays with photos & recipes.

1 comment:

  1. We loved it all!! Les thanks for making our Christmas desserts mouthwatering delicious! Am very sad though as Mom "forgot" to give us our take home baggie of scrumptious treats. Forgot or planned? hmmm
